Smile. Your school photos are ready.

Next Steps… (please read!)

1.) Please watch the video below walking you through the ordering process.

2.) After you’ve watched the video click the correct link (either State College or Bellefonte location) below the video to go to your child’s gallery. Galleries are grouped by classroom and sorted alphabetically by LAST NAME. If sibling photos were taken they will be in one of the siblings gallery. If no sibling photos are found in either siblings’ gallery, it is because the sibling form was not filled out prior to photo day and therefore I did not know to take the siblings’ photo. If you cannot find your child’s name in his/her current classroom please check their previous classroom folder (I go off of the class list from the beginning of the year and things may have changed). Please note: A change from last year is that none of the galleries this year are password protected. The video below talks about a password protected gallery. Please disregard that part of the video.

3.) Place your order. Once you’ve viewed the gallery you will now get email reminders before the gallery expiration date on June 13th. After the gallery is closed, I will place an order for your prints. Please place your orders by June 13th!

4.) The last step is receiving your order. Your printed photos will be delivered to your school. If you ordered a digital download, it will be available for download after the ordering window closes. Please reach out to me directly if you have an issue with your order. I double and triple check everything but there are a LOT of kiddos and orders to keep track of, so it is very possible a mistake will be made at some point. And if so, please know I will make it right as soon as possible and that I appreciate your understanding. Thank you all so much for allowing me to photograph your child/ren!


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